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Posts published in “Crypto & DeFi”

The impact of millenials

Who knew? The generation shit is a narrative for stock (or asset) picking. This Forbes article found a strange correlation between Tesla and Bitcoin and explain it because they have the same buyers, the millenials. While at some point Tesla is expected to be a productive asset, meaning fundamental should…

Retail investors fuel the bitcoin rally

After saving the S&P500, speculating in the oil derivative market, the retail investors is still looking for ways to invest. This time I focus on bitcoin following this Coindesk article. The basis is a sharp increase of the number of bitcoin addresses with a balance > 0.1BTC (around $700) since…

The bitcoin scarcity model

The Bitcoin Scarcity model is a part of the Bitcoin as Digital Gold narrative. It try to extrapolate a theoretical value for bitcoin using it’s scarcity defined as : Scarcity = Stock / Flow In bitcoin, the flow is given by the mining reward which are halved, by design, at…